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Respiratory Therapy

with Joe Lewis

If you’re interested in pranayama and breathwork, there is so much more to discover than simply “oxygenation.” As a student of yoga breathing for over a decade, there continues to be a lack of real scientific teaching, so on this week’s podcast, we’ll nerd out on biomechanics and chemistry of breathing.  

Listen & Learn: 

  • Why you must consider both oxygenation and ventilation
  • The importance of C02 
  • Ideal blood oxygen content
  • Education and career opportunities for potential respiratory therapists
  • The utility of arterial blood gas (ABG) in an ICU

Links & Resources


Joe Lewis has been a Registered Respiratory Therapist for 20 years with a primary focus in adult ICU.  He started teaching full-time in 2020, including both didactic and clinical course instruction.  

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • When to Eat Fruit

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Direct download: 438_-_Respiratory_Therapy_with_Joe_Lewis.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:42pm CET