Wed, 27 July 2022
Our own bodies are a source of infinite learning and mystery. Most of us are familiar with our skin, our hair, muscles, and teeth; but did you know that you have an internal latticework of connective tissues called fascia, that give shape and structure to what would otherwise be a bloody ball of soft serve? Unlike many tissues in the body with a distinct beginning and end, fascial sheaths are often long, complex, and can span the entire length of the body. Even more interesting, fascia is loaded with sensors and nerve endings. It is smart tissue that can serve us well or cause pain, discomfort and injury. On this week’s podcast, we’ll explore this fascinating tissue from a health and healing perspective. Listen and learn:
Link ABOUT OUR GUEST Douglas Bertram has a background in massage therapy, orthopedics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and sport injuries. He is the founder of orthopedic wellness clinic Structural Elements. Like the Show?
Direct download: LRS_526_-_Fascia_Pain__Recovery_with_Douglas_Bertram.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:34am CET |
Wed, 20 July 2022
If you walk into any pharmacy, the anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, anti-cellulite creams and potions are everywhere. But does any of this stuff actually work? Most products are simply marketing gimmicks, but there are simple lifestyle measures you can implement to improve your skin health and reduce the speed at which it ages. On this week’s podcast, we meet a dermatologist focused on slowing down the skin aging process. Learn
Link ABOUT OUR GUEST Dr. Shyamalar Gunatheesan is a dermatologist that specializes in skin disorders, hair loss, and nail abnormalities. She is the founder of ODE dermatology in Australia.
Direct download: LRS_525_-_Can_You_Slow_Down_Skin_Aging_with_Dr._Shyamalar_Gunatheesan.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET |
Wed, 13 July 2022
We all experience aches and pains at times, sometimes even serious injuries. But what happens when your pain doesn’t go away for months, years, or even a decade or more? What happens when you’re dependent on painkillers to get through the day and you begin to alter your life because of it? Our guest on this week’s podcast is corrective exercise specialist, Vinny Crispino, who broke his back surfing one day and began a 10 year healing journey. Listen and learn:
Links ABOUT OUR GUEST Vinny is the founder of Pain Academy. His work focuses on helping people learn to move better, live better, and overcome pain for good. Like the Show?
Direct download: LRS_524_-_A_Pain_Free_Future_with_Vinny_Crispino.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET |
Wed, 6 July 2022
It’s hard enough to figure out what you really want to accomplish in a year, let alone in your lifetime, and once you do figure it out, how do you actually show up as the best version of yourself? Personal growth and development often feels like a smile-or-die race to accumulate accolades when most of us are not always smiling and are not even necessarily motivated by external validation. And yet, we continue to strive to become our peak selves. Our guest on this week’s podcast is a former bull rider and combat veteran who now works with high performers to help them reach their best. Listen and learn:
Wylie McGraw is a former bull rider, baseball pitcher, and combat veteran. He now teaches peak performance. Like the Show? Leave us a Review on iTunes
Direct download: LRS_523_-_Finding_Peak_Performance_with_Wylie_McGraw.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:06am CET |