Age Less / Live More

Some medical professionals feel it’s more accurate to classify post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a neural injury (PTSI) – not a disorder. Dr. Eugene Lipov developed a local anesthesia treatment targeting the stellate ganglion in the bottom of the cervical spine. This treatment has been approved for chronic pain and is being used now for trauma with promising results. On this week’s podcast, you’ll learn from a success story patient:

  • How trauma change our nervous system and brain activity
  • Why a prolonged allostatic load (stress) can create a trauma-like injury in the body
  • How trauma injuries can be visibly seen in FMRI scans


Dr Lipov

The Invisible Machine


Jamie is the author of the books, The Iconists and The Invisible Machine. The book is centered around the science of Trauma Recovery.

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Direct download: LRS_570_-_The_Science_of_Trauma_Recovery_with_Jamie_Mustard.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 5:46pm CET

Millions of people around the world are suffering from long COVID, an umbrella term for chronic symptoms that might include fatigue, vertigo, POTS, and cognitive impairment. While it’s not uncommon for people to have lingering issues after any illness, the scope and scale of the COVID pandemic and the anomalous nature of this particular disease have created a quiet, but concerning crisis. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a psychologist whose work has shifted to supporting people struggling through this journey.

Listen to learn:

  • How long COVID differs from post-acute symptoms from other infections
  • What a diagnosis of long COVID involves
  • Support options
  • What the future holds for chronic conditions

James’s Book


James C. Jackson is a psychologist and Research Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He is an internationally renowned expert on the cognitive and mental health effects of illness, including long COVID. His new book is called Clearing the Fog

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Direct download: LRS_569_-_Surviving__Thriving_With_Long_COVID_with_James_Jackson.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:36pm CET

People often lament that they prioritize others’ needs above their own, and they don’t know how to put themselves first. I believe most of us are mostly selfish, so I don’t think the problem is putting yourself first, I think the problem is putting self care first. People will overcommit to work, family, and community obligations, but ignore free times, exercise, and quiet solitude. I don’t believe that we’re all so altruistic that our days get vacuumed by charity work, I think our time is consumed simply by other seemling more important priorities.

The term self-care conjures up images of manicures or lazy Sunday morning brunches, but what if you expanded that to include art, creativity, silence, adventure, friendship, and whatever else perhaps feeds your soul but almost by definition does not have a quantifiable reason for ending up on your calendar. 

On this week’s podcast, you’ll earn the importance of making time for less strategic, you-focused activities.


Taylor’s Site


Taylor Elyse Morrison is the founder of Inner Workout, a company that aims to make well-being and personal development more accessible. Her book is called, The Inner Workout.

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Direct download: LRS_568_-_How_to_Prioritize_Self_Care_with_Taylor_Elyse_Morrison.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am CET

Do you have painful feet, bunions, hammertoes, or collapsed arches? If you’ve visited a podiatrist, you most likely ended up with some orthotic inserts and were sent on your way. Hopefully, those inserts worked! Most likely, they helped a little, but as the years have passed, your condition has progressively worsened. Is there anything you can do about it? On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a functional podiatrist who will help you understand your options.

Listen and learn: 

  • What a 15-min self-care routine might look like for your feet 
  • The pros and cons of surgical interventions 
  • Why reduced bone density might disqualify you for surgery  
  • Why flat feet is sometimes caused by ligament laxity and strength and stretch routines are unlikely to correct this structural issue


Dr Splichal’s Site


Dr. Emily Splichal is a functional podiatrist, human movement specialist, and a leading voice in barefoot science and rehabilitation. After originally training as a surgeon, she now focuses on functional and regenerative medicine.

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Direct download: LRS_567_-_Fix_Your_Feet_with_Dr._Emily_Splichal.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET

It’s more difficult than ever to separate fact from journalistic or political fiction. The idea of “relative truth” has permeated almost every discussion, making it challenging to get straight answers to even some of the most basic questions. Does cholesterol matter or not? Are HPV vaccines safe or too risky? While media spin has always been a problem, it’s reached breaking point, and the majority of us feel disillusioned and frustrated. This week’s guest offers advice on how to identify and fight misinformation.

Listen and learn: 

  • How a small lie wrapped in hard truths can be much more dangerous than a blatant falsehood 
  • Why men are leading the charge when it comes to conspiracy theories
  • How system justification theory can influence misinformation 
  • Whether a small lie is OK if it’s for a good cause


Sander’s site


Dr. Sander van der Linden is a social psychology professor and Director of the Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab. He focuses on how misinformation spreads in online networks and how to protect against false information. He is the author of Foolproof. 

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Direct download: LRS_566_-_How_to_Fight_Misinformation_with_Sander_van_der_Linden.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:23am CET