Wed, 11 December 2024
If you break your arm, your next steps are clear. The doctor will put it in a cast for a couple months, and then afterwards, you’ll nurse it back to strength and all will be fine. If your brain is broken - perhaps from a sudden loss, job change, or financial challenge - the path forward is often opaque. You’re clearly in pain and struggling, but what do you do? On this week’s podcast you’ll learn about hypnotherapy not as a cure, but as part of the path toward healing. Listen and learn:
Links ABOUT OUR GUEST Daniel Fryer is a UK-based cognitive behavioral therapist (CBT), coach, and author of The Four Thoughts That F*ck You Up… and How to Fix Them. He has a background in psychology and mental health, specializing in helping people reframe negative thought patterns to improve their mental wellbeing. He is the author of a new book: How to Cope with Almost Anything with Hypnotherapy. Like the Show?
Direct download: Podcast_650_-_The_Power_of_Cognitive_Behavioral_Therapy_with_Daniel_Fryer.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:13am CET |