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Fear is one of the most powerful motivators on the planet. Unfortunately, it usually motivates us to play small, hide in our own shell, and avoid the awkward and personally challenging situations needed for us to self actualize. But to face your fear, almost by definition, means to embrace rejection. And for most people, rejection is scary.  


This week, Lucas and guest Jia Jiang discuss the power of “rejection therapy”. Jia Jiang is an entrepreneur, blogger, speaker and writer. He's the founder of the online site that aims to beat fear one rejection at a time. He conducted a personal experiment where he asked for 100 different whacky things 100 days in a row just to completely break down the fear of reaction and welcome the world of possibilities—and that's why I have him on the show here today.


While you're listening, you can learn more about his work at


In this Show, You'll learn:

  • What is “rejection therapy” , and where the idea came from

  • How you can go about defeating your fear of rejection

  • Some exercise you can start practicing at home to improve your self-confidence


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Direct download: SHOW_FINAL_143.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:11pm CET

The Yoga Talk Show had over 200,000 listeners in 2014, and we’ve had the pleasure of hosting a number of amazing experts. From best-selling authors and medical doctors to yoga misfits and mind-body researchers, The Yoga Talk Show continues to attract thought leaders around the world. In this special episode, we compiled “best of” soundbites to highlight interviews you may have missed. We hope you enjoy these little gems of knowledge.


In this Show, You'll learn:

  • The challenges faced by our food system, agriculture and sustainability

  • The impact of stress and anxiety in our lives - and how to deal with it

  • The benefits of a healthy, raw food diet

  • Yoga, handstands, practice, meditation, teaching children, and more!


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Direct download: SHOW_FINAL_Best_of.mp3
Category:yoga -- posted at: 3:22pm CET

We all know green juice is good for you, but you can take it much deeper and actually “reboot” your health and detoxify your body. This week, Lucas Rockwood talks with Joe Cross about juicing for health, and the powerful impact of an all-plant diet. Joe Cross is an Australian entrepreneur, author, filmmaker, and wellness advocate. You probably know him from his documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead in which he tells the story of his own 60-day juice fast and road trip . He is the founder of Reboot with Joe, a health and lifestyle company, and he's just released a new book called, The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing that is a best-seller.


In this Show, You'll learn:

  • The benefits of juicing for health

  • All about Joe’s 60-day juice cleansing story

  • What juices you should be drinking if you want to reboot

  • Blended drinks: juices vs. smoothies


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Direct download: SHOW_FINAL_141.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:41am CET

Back pain is pandemic, and it’s one of the top reasons people come to yoga class. In this week’s Yoga Talk Show episode, Lucas Rockwood and Esther Gokhale discuss how primal posture can help with chronic back pain. Esther Gokhale (Go-clay) has been involved in integrative therapies all her life. She studied biochemistry at Harvard and Princeton and, later, acupuncture at the San Francisco School of Oriental Medicine. After experiencing crippling back pain during her first pregnancy and unsuccessful back surgery, Gokhale began her lifelong crusade to vanquish back pain.


She is the founder and creator of, The Gokhale Method®, a unique, systematic approach to help people find their bodies’ way back to pain-free living.


Gokhale's book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, has sold over 100,000 copies and has been translated into eight languages. In 2010, Gokhale hosted the nationally televised program Back Pain: The Primal Posture Solution (available on DVD).


In this Show, You'll learn:

  • how primal posture can help with back pain

  • the benefits of "tucking in your tailbone" and other exercises for the back

  • Esther’s thoughts on ergonomic chairs, body-forming mattresses and lumbar spine pillows


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Direct download: SHOW_FINAL_140.mp3
Category:yoga -- posted at: 11:03am CET