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If you go to your doctor for a routine checkup, he or she will usually run very limited blood tests because of cost considerations and limited health insurance coverage. For anyone interested in optimal health, this is not much of a "checkup" at all since you're not checking much of anything. You could have low Vitamin D (almost certainly), elevated C-Reactive Protein (very likely) and a high A1C (very common) without knowing it.

Today, we have the ability to go "rogue" and take our health into our own hands. Just like you can order a designer cocktail at your local bar, you can also order up your own blood tests and hire someone to help you review them. Rather than comparing your results to the national averages (which means a bunch of sick people), a qualified professional can help you analyze your results and help you work toward optimal health, not average health.

On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll meet Dr. Stephen Lewis and Janet Lewis, founders of Doctor's Nutrition, an innovative company that advises you on blood work and helps you interpret the data.
Listen & Learn:

  • Why most doctors do extremely limited blood tests
  • Why your results are usually green light or red light only, and the yellow range (warning!) is almost completely ignored
  • How to go "rogue" and take your health into your own hands
    Why you should get an A1C test for a 3-month snapshot of your blood glucose management
  • Why you should get your T3 (not just TSH) tested for thyroid health


Dr. Stephen Lewis and Janet Lewis are the founders of Doctor's Nutrition. Doctor’s Nutrition provides Evidence-Based Nutrition™ information, where you get information based on years of experience treating patients with natural compounds and verifying the results with pre and post lab tests. Located in Longview, Texas, Doctor's Nutrition offers medical lab services in or near your hometown without the need for expensive office visits and long waits.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Alkalized Water

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This block was originally developed for the YOGABODY Fitness Studio Group because we needed an all-natural, eco-friendly, and non-slip prop to use in our public classes. Traditional, synthetic blocks are ugly, slip with sweat, and have an unpleasant hand-feel. Hence, Corky the Block was born!

Yoga students use Corky the Block in dynamic Vinyasa Yoga practices, deep stretching Gravity Yoga sessions, and in advanced arm balancing and back-bending. A block is an essential yoga prop, and Corky the Block is a beautiful addition to your practice room.

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Direct download: 248_-_How_to_Get_Your_Blood_Tested_w_Stephen_Lewis__Janet_Lewis.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:52am CET

Is it possible to live a life without trash? Could you reduce your waste by 50%? 75% or More?

On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll meet the founder of the "Zero Waste" movement, Bea Johnson who claims she and her family lived for an entire year producing just 1 liter of waste. Nothing about modern life is sustainable, and while Bea's solution might be out-of-reach for most, it's something we can all learn and take inspiration from.
Listen & Learn:

  • Learn the 5R's: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot
  • How to do more with less
  • Why buying better quality items that last longer is an environmentally responsible choice
  • Why just because something says it's recyclable (in theory) doesn't mean it can actually be recycled in reality
  • Getting started tips for "zero waste" beginners


In 2008, Bea Johnson and her family adopted a zero waste lifestyle; they since produce a mere liter of waste per year. With her blog and bestseller Zero Waste Home (translated in 13 languages), Bea launched a global movement and continues to inspire a growing community to live simply and take a stance against needless waste.

Her methodology is based on 5R's: “Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot, and only in that order”. She shatters misconceptions, proving that zero waste can not only be stylish, but also lead to significant health benefits, and time and money savings. She speaks at universities, corporate events and conferences all over the globe, including Google, Adobe, the European Parliament and the United Nations.

She has completed five international tours for a total of 150+ speeches in 20+ countries on 5 continents. She has appeared on TV shows and in publications everywhere, from The Today Show to BBC Breakfast. Passionate and optimistic, she has become a guru for many and is a spokesperson for the zero waste lifestyle or, as the New York Times stated, "The Priestess of Waste-Free Living". She is a Grand Prize winner of The Green Awards, and a French native who currently lives in Mill Valley, California.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • 8 plus 16 Meal Timing

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  • Awesome Toes -- Yoga Toe Spreaders & Separators for Nighttime, Yoga Practice & Running

Awesome Toes! naturally stretch your feet after a long day of work. Loved by anyone who wears high-heeled shoes, work boots, or spends all day on their feet. They also help stretch the shortened connective tissues of your feet so they regain their natural shape and range of motion.
Awesome Toes! can be used at night, while watching TV, while practicing yoga, and even in wide-toed athletic shoes for running. Most toe separators on the market fall off or break during activities, but Awesome Toes! are designed for durability and comfort during yoga practice, dance rehearsals and while engaging in sports.

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Direct download: 247_-_Life_Without_Trash.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm CET

Children around the world are suffering from learning, development, and behavioral problems at record rates. Mindfulness can be taught as a secular way to train the mind and body to assist our youth.

Mind-body wellness is typically something we explore as adults, but it's never too early to start, and the sooner and the better. Our guest this week is an expert on teaching mindfulness to young people, and for any parent, educator, or soon-to-be caregiver, this is a must-listen.

Listen & Learn:

  • How mindfulness can be described as a quality of intention, balance and compassion as we navigate through life
  • Or as a stance of attention where we not where our intention and state-of-mind is in real time
  • Why social and emotional learning in schools can be a great help in working through some of the bigger problems with developing children
  • How secular mindful practices can be quickly and openly adopted in school systems
  • Why it's important to take a few deliberate breaths before you leave the house, say goodbye, start or end your day
  • How to have kids identify the eye color of friends, teachers, and you so that it acts as a forcing function for concentration


She was a co-investigator in a multi-year, multi-site research study at UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center/Semel Institute on the impact of mindfulness in education. She has spoken at the Mind & Life Institute; the University of California at Los Angeles; the University of Massachusetts; the University of Kansas; Columbia University; Cedars-Sinai Medical Center; San Diego Children's Hospital; the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California; the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies in Barre, Massachusetts; the National University of Singapore; Mahidol University, in Bangkok; Casa Tibet, in Mexico, and many other prestigious institutes in the United States and abroad.

Her work has been covered by The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, National Public Radio, various yoga journals, and CBS Morning News.

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Nutritional Tip:

  • Caffeinated Tea

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TAKE THE NEXT STEP! Join Absolute Yoga’s 200-Hour Hot Yoga Alliance accredited course in beautiful Koh Samui, Thailand. Sign up now and get an early discount!

This training is for:

  • Serious students who want to teach
  • Passionate yoga practitioners
  • Students who want to share hot yoga with the world

Extremely small class sizes, great training facility and a dedicated team!

Next course starts in October!

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Direct download: 246_-_Can_Kids_Learn_Mindfulness.mp3
Category:yoga -- posted at: 4:56pm CET

When most people think of health and wellness, sex is not usually top-of-mind, but it should be. Most couples have bad sex rarely, and most want to have great sex all the time.

What's gone wrong? We are sexual beings, and we relate to the world sexually. On this week's show, you'll meet sexologist, Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, who shares her experience and research navigating this often-taboo topic that affects all our lives.

Listen & Learn:

  • How happy-naked-love-time can be a great alternative play technique that can replace or enhance love-making
  • Why communication is usually the key ingredient to make any sexual relationship work
  • How to explore fantasy, role play, power dynamics, and kink without shame or guilt
  • How passion and sexuality change as we age and what to do about it


Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, sociologist and sexologist, is a frequent speaker about sexual empowerment, healthy relationships, body image, erotic play, sexual health, women’s empowerment & nurturing, and mindfulness. She has presented two TEDx Talks, is a writer on sex and relationships, and a recurring intimacy expert on the San Diego morning news. Her educational video series has over a million hits on YouTube.

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Nutritional Tip:

  • Spice Rack

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The Yoga Trapeze is the #1 most popular yoga inversion sling in the world, and both our January and April teacher training courses are completely sold out. Good news! We’ve just opened up September 2017 for applications, and so this is an opportunity for you to gain the professional skills and confidence needed to teach professionally this exciting new style of yoga.

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Direct download: 245_-_Great_Sex__Great_Relationships.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:27pm CET

About once or twice a week, I'm completely exhausted and yet I can't fall asleep until one or two in the morning. This "wired and tired" feeling is common among most busy people, and while we often blame it on our busy careers, our life as parents, or just the ups and downs of daily life, the reality is that these chemical imbalances compound over time and can lead to pretty serious health problems.

On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll meet a medical doctor pioneer whose work spans from natural childbirth and plant medicine to women's health and endocrine balance. Please meet Dr. Aviva Room.

What You'll Learn:

  • Overworked adrenals vs. true adrenal fatigue—what's the difference?
  • How "tired and wired" is a vicious circle
  • Cortisol can be the "wear and tear" hormone
  • Why adrenal fatigue = adrenal depletion
  • How your chemical body (hormones), electrical system (nerves) and bacterial body (microbiome) are all interconnected
  • Tips for sleep, food, and lifestyle balance
  • Why ultradian rhythms (every 90-120 minutes) are crucial to understanding your own body
  • Chronobiology: the effects of solar- and lunar-related rhythms

Links & Resources:


Medical Doctor, Aviva Romm is a midwife, herbalist, and Yale-trained MD, Board Certified in Family Medicine with Obstetrics, as well as a graduate of Dr. Weil's Integrative Medicine Residency. Aviva is a leader in botanical medicine and is the author of 7 books on natural medicine, including the textbook Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (Elsevier) and her latest book, The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution (Harper One, January 2017).

Nutritional Tip:

  • Fructose intake

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For years Burlington, Vermont, has been a destination for health, natural living, organic food, and yoga. With a dozen independently operated Yoga studios and wellness centers in the greater community.

BYC’s mission it to unite yoga students, teachers and studios as well as to empower and support individuals along the yogic path.

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Direct download: 244_-_The_Adrenal-Thyroid_Revolution.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 5:00pm CET