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Donna Gates, writer of The Body Ecology Diet speaks about how to restore and maintain the important "inner ecology" your body needs to function properly and to eliminate or control the symptoms that rob you of the joy of living.

Direct download: 101_SHOW_FINAL.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:30pm CET

Roger Fredericks is golf instructor who's worked on flexibility with over 20,000 golfers and 60+ Tour Players, which include such Hall of Famers as Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, and Jack Nicklaus.

In this Show, You'll learn:

The #1 most neglected aspect of health & fitness.

How to identify poor posture in yourself and others.

A quick and easy flexibility test.

Direct download: 100_SHOW_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm CET

Steve Meyerowitz is considered the “sproutman”  He began teaching indoor gardening and sprouting in New York, he’s the author of Sprouts the Miracle Food, Sproutman’s Kitchen Garden Cookbook, and Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine.

In this Show, You'll learn:

How to mineralize your body through young sprouts.

The role of fasting and juicing as natural medicine.

The energy boost that comes from eating live sprouts.

Direct download: 99_SHOW_FINAL.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 9:55am CET

Jon Gabriel was a Wal Street trader that weighed over 400 pounds until he began researching everything he could about the hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and chemical massagers that cause weight gain. Over a two-and-half-year period he lost 220 pounds, without dieting and is now the creator of The Gabriel Method.

In this Show, You'll learn:

How to stop dieting and start nourishing.

Why it’s important to improve digestion.

The importance of a mind-body approach to weight loss.

Direct download: 98_show_final.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:09pm CET