Age Less / Live More

Turn Adversity into Advantage

with Doug Bopst


“I took the deal… and the last thing I did was snort a few hundred milligrams of oxy,” says Doug. This was right before he started a 90-day stint in jail where he was forced to sober up in a hurry. His cellmate was a fitness fanatic and Doug’s unofficial trainer on his path to recovery. Despite all the odds, Doug left prison in better shape than he went in. Today, Doug is clean and sober and is an author, fitness trainer, and speaker. 

Listen & Learn: 

  • How hitting rock bottom can be a great gift
  • Why there is not quick-fix to a long-standing problem
  • How to surrender to the process of change  
  • Finding fitness at any age

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Doug Bopst is an award-winning personal trainer, author, speaker and business owner. He is a former felon and drug addict, and the author of From Felony to Fitness to Free and the Heart of Recovery.

 Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Game Changers Film

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Direct download: 448_-_Turn_Adversity_into_Advantage_with_Doug_Bopst.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:23am CET

Psychological Flexibility

with Steven Hayes, PhD
The rate of change has accelerated 2-5x in the past year. The job change you were thinking about someday is now your top priority today. Your relationship doubt has flipped into a full blown crisis. Entire governments and industries have been turned on their heads. How are you doing?

The ability to ride the wave of change is something Steven Hayes refers to as Psychological flexibility, and just as we should all be working on our physical health, our mental health needs constant workouts too. 

Listen & Learn: 

  • Why mental health labels can quickly paralyze you
  • How your past head trash can implode your current relationships
  • How to accept and commit as part of your mental health regime

Links & Resources


Dr. Steven Hayes is the author of 44 books including, A Liberated Mind: How to Pivot Toward What Matters. He’s published nearly 600 scientific articles and his work focuses on understanding language and cognition to alleviate suffering. 

 Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Are Eggs Ok

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Direct download: 447_-_Psychological_Flexibility_with_Steven_Hayes_PhD.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:14pm CET

Thoughts on the End of Life
with Charles Garfield
Death and loss are inevitable, nobody was prepared for this. COVID-19 has taken the lives of millions of people around the world, mostly older people, the wisdom class. On a local level, we all feel it; but from a global perspective, it’s very hard to begin to fathom so much loss in such a short period of time. How do we process this? Where to begin? On this week’s show, we’ll explore the “wisdom years” of life, end of life, and death. 

Listen & Learn: 

  • Why you should write a forgiveness letter to yourself
  • The importance of older generations 
  • The necessity of mourning 
  • Virtual vs. in-person funerals 

Links & Resources


Dr. Charles Garfield is a psychologist, professor and lecturer, and the author of thirteen books including Our Wisdom Years and Life's Last Gift: Giving and Receiving Peace During the Dying Time. He has been recognized internationally as the founder of Shanti Project, a widely acclaimed AIDS and cancer service organization. 

 Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Allergic Mystery

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Direct download: 446_-_Thoughts_on_the_End_of_Life_with_Charles_Garfield.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:32am CET

Get to Know Your Testosterone
by Dr. Tracy Gapin


Testosterone levels in modern men are lower than any time in recorded history. This causes low libido, low energy, and a lack of lean muscle; but low T can also decrease your motivation, your concentration, and even your mental health.

So where has all the testosterone gone?

Diet and lifestyle are huge factors, of course, but most people are completely unaware of the endocrine disruptors that have crept their way into our food, water, and homes. Everything from your shampoo to your takeaway coffee cup contributes to the hormonal dysregulation of our population. Left unchecked, many men lose their lust for life, in all senses, decades too soon.

On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a medical doctor who is passionate about educating men and helping them navigate the hormonal minefield of our modern world.  

Listen & Learn: 

  • Why free testosterone is even more important than total testosterone
  • How to understand medical reference ranges
  • Self-assessment tricks for thinking about your own hormones 
  • Xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens, and other disruptor landmines 

Links & Resources:

Dr. Gapin is board certified by the American Board of Urology and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is the author of, Male 2.0, a guide to the optimization of a man’s health and vitality.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Rapeseed Oil

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Direct download: 445_-_Get_to_Know_Your_Testosterone_with_Dr._Tracy_Gapin.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:01pm CET