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Pelvic floor problems affect an estimated 40 percent of the population. Common symptoms include incontinence, prolapse, premature ejaculation, and irregular bowel movements. Your pelvic floor is a muscular net that supports your bladder, bowels, and in women the uterus. Those muscles can be trained and strengthened just like your biceps - but it’s a little more tricky to learn how. On this week’s podcast, we meet a physiotherapist who specializes in this area of the body.

Listen and learn:

  • How to take charge of your pelvic floor health  
  • Whether pee-stop-pee is a safe practice for strengthening
  • Do apps and gizmos actually work? Are they worth it?
  • Will you ever be able to jump on a trampoline or deadlift again?
  • Are medical interventions such as collagen fillers, botox, and surgery effective?

Learn more at

Clare’s Site


Clare Bourne is a pelvic health physiotherapist. She works with extremely common but rarely discussed issues such as incontinence and prolapse. She is the author of Strong Foundations: Why Pelvic Health Matters.

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Direct download: LRS_583_-_Pelvic_Floor_Health_with_Clare_Bourne.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 9:33am CET

Public speaking and communication skills are crucial for every aspect of life. Whether you’re negotiating a promotion at work or advocating for yourself with your doctor, the better you can express yourself, the greater your success. Good communication is a meta skill that pays off in multiples, and it’s something we should all invest more time in developing.

Listen and learn:

  • The power of story and narrative during presentations
  • How to use visual aids carefully
  • The importance of time management
  • Why formulaic structures are often a wise choice
  • How to handle feedback, trolls, and grandstanders

Learn more at

Ben’s Site


Ben Crosby is a professor of rhetoric and a communication skills consultant. He is also the author of Presentations as Performance: A Professional’s Guide to Better Speaking.

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Direct download: LRS_582_-_Improve_Your_Public_Speaking_with_Ben_Crosby.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET

When most people think about getting in shape, their first priority is usually fat loss - and for good reason. Excess adipose tissue can, in many cases, contribute to or exacerbate dozens of other health problems. But what if instead of focusing on losing fat, you focused on gaining muscle? Lean muscle tissue is a metabolic workhorse. It strengthens your bones, acts as a natural glucose storage location and helps to balance your hormones. Interestingly, it’s often faster to build muscle than it is to shed fat, and the two often go head-in-hand.

Listen and learn:

  • Why lean muscle tissue tests are inaccurate
  • The future of D3-creatine tests for accurate “weigh in” of muscle mass
  • The correlation between lean muscle, bone density, and reduced all-cause mortality
  • Weights vs bodyweight exercise: can you do it at home?
  • The minimum effective dose for change


Dr Lyon’s Site


Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a physician and the founder of the Institute of Muscle-Centric Medicine. She is the author of a soon-to-be released book, Forever Strong

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Direct download: LRS_581_-_Are_You_Under-Muscled_with_Dr_Gabrielle_Lyon.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET

Psilocybin mushrooms (aka magic mushrooms) are being studied and used for their therapeutic and mental health benefits. These powerful substances have a long history of use in various cultures around the world, and are surprisingly safe if used carefully with medical supervision. At the same time, any drug, natural or not, presents a complex set of risks and rewards that must be considered. On this week’s podcast, you’ll learn about the popular new style of sub-perception use called microdosing.

Listen and learn:

  • How one tenth of a psychoactive dose can provide many of the same benefits without a “high” or psychedelic experience
  • Legal considerations and options for traveling with psilocybin
  • How psychedelics might impact emotional processing and reverence for nature


Retreat Microdose

LEGAL & HEALTH WARNING: in most jurisdictions, psychedelic drugs are illegal. Even when legal, they should be treated and used with care, ideally only under the supervision of trusted healthcare professionals. The views of the guest and host of this podcast are theirs alone and should not be taken as health or medical advice. 

Cori Sue Morris is a former journalist, an entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of Retreat. Her company helps educate people on how to use psilocybin, better known as magic mushrooms for personal growth and health. 

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Direct download: LRS_580_-_Microdosing_Psilocybin_with_Cori_Sue_Morris.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET

Food allergies are a common and growing problem. To complicate things further, food allergy tests have a fifty percent false positive rate and most general practitioner doctors have just two weeks of allergy training - so you’re often left on your own when trying to diagnose and deal with them. Extreme allergies are rare, but skin problems, digestive issues, headaches, and bowel issues are becoming increasingly common. My guest on this week’s podcast will help you understand more about allergies and what to do about them.

Listen and learn:

  • Why allergies are a huge and growing problem
  • Why most IGG food allergy tests are a waste of time
  • How avoiding foods like peanuts could contribute to the development of an allergy
  • The important difference between an intolerance and an allergy  


Theresa’s Site


Theresa MacPhail is a medical anthropologist, professor, and writer. She is the author of the book, Allergic: Our Irritated Bodies in a Changing World.

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Direct download: LRS_579_-_Why_Are_Allergies_on_the_Rise_with_Theresa_MacPhail.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET