Age Less / Live More

When it comes to personal growth and development, most of us immediately think of productivity. How can we be more efficient and more effective with the limited time we have on this planet? On my best days, I consider myself moderately productive and yet, as months and years go by, the evidence of my productivity is undeniable. So what’s the secret? I have no idea, but our guest on this week’s podcast writes and lectures exclusively on this topic and has plenty of insights to share. 

Listen and learn:

  • How mindfulness can help reduce distraction
  • The importance of “savoring” and creating meaning in all our experiences
  • The threat posed by super-stimuli such as junk food, adult websites, and newsfeeds
  • How to jump off the daily anxiety rollercoaster 



Chris Bailey is a productivity expert, and the bestselling author of books, Hyperfocus, The Productivity Project, How to Calm Your Mind.

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Direct download: LRS_548_-_How_to_Calm_Your_Mind_with_Chris_Bailey.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET

How would you feel if your spouse was incarcerated for 21 years? Would you stay or would you go? Would you even consider staying in the relationship? My guests on this week’s podcast are a couple who have managed to build and maintain a marriage, a family, and a life together despite seemingly insurmountable odds. 

Listen to learn:

  • About the importance of family togetherness
  • The truth about access to education in prison
  • The problems in the USA penal system
  • Why the corrections system rarely corrects anything



Sibil Fox and Rob Richardson are a New Orleans couple whose marriage survived despite years of incarceration. Their story was profiled in the documentary called TIME, and their book is called, Time: The Untold Story of the Love That Held Us Together When Incarceration Kept Us Apart.

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Your gastrointestinal tract contains around three pounds of microbes - some good and some bad. When your gut is healthy, the bad bugs are kept in check, and the good bugs serve as internal workhorses for digestion and short-chain fatty acid creation, they also release GABA and other neurotransmitters, and fend off pathogens. When things are out of balance, irritable bowel, leaky gut, gas, bloating, and disease can occur. Gastrointestinal problems affect as many as one in five people, so a happy belly is something we all need to cultivate. In this episode, gastroenterologist, Robynne Chutkan, MD, shares her latest research.

Listen and learn:

  • About the risks of emulsifiers and stabilizers found in common foods
  • How artificial sweeteners can contribute to or even cause gut dysbiosis
  • Why most probiotic supplements are useless
  • The difference between insoluble and soluble fiber in food
  • The future of fecal transplants


Robynne’s Site


Dr Chutkan is a board certified gastroenterologist and author of the digestive health books: Gutbliss, The Microbiome Solution, and The Bloat Cure. Her most recent book is The Anti-Viral Gut: Tackling Pathogens From the Inside Out. She is on the faculty at Georgetown Hospital and founded the Digestive Center for Wellness.

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Direct download: LRS_546_-_Improve_Your_Gut_Health_with_Robynne_Chutkan_MD.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:05pm CET

What if physical and emotional pain, depression, and even anxiety were all adaptive? Meaning these negative feelings are designed to protect us from harm and ensure our survival. Anxiety can be viewed as a call for preparedness, a stimulating feeling designed to help you avoid danger or prepare for important events. Once you’re able to understand why anxiety occurs, it’s possible to transform these feelings into productive action. My guest on this week’s podcast will show you how. 

Listen and learn:

  • How anxiety stimulates preparation behavior
  • How to use the mental shortlist technique to refocus
  • Why highly conscientious people often experience high levels of anxiety
  • How anger should be used to define personal boundaries


Dr Chloe’s Site


Dr. Chloe Carmichael is a psychologist. In her private practice she focuses on stress management, relationship issues, self esteem, and coaching. She is the author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety.

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Direct download: LRS_545_-_Harness_the_Power_of_Your_Anxiety_with_Dr._Chloe_Carmichael.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:32am CET