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Most people believe that carbs give you energy, fat makes you fat, and protein builds muscles - but this is not how the body works. In fact, we metabolize macronutrients very differently - often counter-intuitively - and it's important to understand the hormonal impact of food as you attempt to find balance.

Too much protein can be just as problematic as too many carbs but how do you know how much is too much? What are some baseline measurements you can use in your own life? My guest on this week's podcast, Stephen Cabral, ND, will make this easy to understand.

Listen & Learn:

  • Risks, rewards, and reality of keto diets
  • Why protein is harder to digest
  • How 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight is usually ideal
  • Why too much protein creates too much IGF-1 that can feed cancer
  • Ectomorph/Vata: lean and long, difficulty building muscle
  • Endomorph/Kapha: higher body fat, often pear-shaped, gain muscle and fat easily
  • Mesomorph/Pitta: muscular and well-built, high metabolism, responsive muscle cells

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Stephen Cabral is a board-certified naturopathic doctor with post-doctoral specialties in Ayurvedic and functional medicine. He and his team have completed more than 250,000 client appointments. He is a podcaster himself at the Cabral Concept and is the author of The Rain Barrel Effect and A Man's Guide to Muscle and Strength.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Cabbage

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Direct download: 344_-_Goldilocks_Zone_for_Protein_with_Stephan_Cabral_ND.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm CET


Open up Instagram right now, and start counting the number of narcissists in your feed today. How many? Three, ten, fifty? Is there anyone real in your feed?

Narcissistic personalities have always existed, but with social media, it's a bigger problem than ever. These hyper-insecure people lack empathy, live in a constant state of conflict, and value status and outward appearances over real human connection and understanding.

Why does it matter? Because we work with them, we live with them, and in some cases, we even marry and spend our lives with them. In this week's podcast, you'll meet a clinical psychologist who shares her pragmatic and down-to-earth approach to living with or running from the narcissists in your life.  

Listen & Learn:

  • How to identify a narcissist.
  • Why the stereotypical "successful man" today is often the definition of a narcissist.
  • Realistic outlook of change (hint: low to none).
  • Should you stay, or should you go?

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Dr. Ramani Durvasula is a licensed clinical psychologist. She has a private practice in Santa Monica and Sherman Oaks, CA. She is a professor of psychology at Cal State Los Angeles where she was named "Outstanding Professor" in 2012. She is also a visiting professor at the University of Johannesburg.

She is the author of two books: Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving a Relationship With a Narcissist (Post Hill Press), and You Are WHY You Eat: Change Your Food Attitude, Change Your Life. She has appeared on nearly every major television network, as well as radio, print, and internet platforms.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Potatoes

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Direct download: 343_-_Narcissist_Survival_Guide_with_Dr._Ramani_Durva-sula.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:54pm CET

Modern medicine's best thinking pales in comparison to the wisdom of our bodies. The best science only has a very rudimentary understanding of the dynamic and complex organism we inhabit, and yet we're always looking for the magic pill and the prescriptive cure.On this week's show, we'll explore ancestral wisdom for the modern man and the seemingly impossible attempt to find a balance.

Listen & Learn:

  • Why dead people don't teach us everything we need to know about living people
  • How to work with your body for health and healing
  • Why a 'sick' response is often just the body's healthy response to self-care
  • How the flawed current medical system is more about maintenance and survival than health

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Dr. Cowan has served as vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthropo-sophical Medicine and is a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation™.  He is the principal author of the book The Fourfold Path to Healing and the co-author of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care. He writes the 'Ask the Doctor' column in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts. He has lectured throughout the United States and Canada.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Blending Smoothies Any Good

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Direct download: 342_-_Traditional_vs._Alternative_Medicine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm CET

By the end of the 1700s, the average American consumed four teaspoons of sugar a day. One hundred years later, that number had risen to eighteen teaspoons. Today, we're consuming 22 teaspoons (93 grams) per day, and it's a huge problem. Diabetes rates are through the roof, and elevated blood sugar levels contribute to nearly every major disease and illness.

But... we all love sugar. We're genetically wired to seek it out and gorge on it. So how do we even begin to find balance in a sugar- and carb-laden world? After a scary bout of Hashimoto's Disease, our guest on this week's podcast dedicated her life to researching and eliminating sugar. She'll share the bitter truth about sugar and how to break free from your addiction to it.

Listen & Learn:

  • Why fructose (fruit sugar) gives you a beer belly
  • How "natural sugars" can be even worse than plain white sugar
  • Why it's nearly impossible to not cook and be healthy
  • How to begin your own sugar detox
  • Why agave is the worst sweetener on the market

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Sarah is a New York Times bestselling author, former journalist, and founder of the former site, She wrote the book, First, We Make the Beast Beautiful, as well as 15 different I Quit Sugar books.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  •  Iron

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Direct download: 341_-_Sugar_is_the_Devil_with_Sarah_Wilson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm CET

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

What in your inner world enables you to fully show up in the outer world? What is more important: What you have or how you feel?

On this week's podcast, you'll meet Susan David, PhD, who has dedicated her life to emotional health. She'll inform you how to ask yourself better questions, lean into pain (when necessary), and craft a truly fulfilling life based on your values.  

Listen & Learn:

  • Why our inner world often matters more than the outer world
  • How to uncover your individual ‘why’ and define your core values
  • Why ‘have-to’ goals are impossible, whereas value-based goals actually work
  • Why approach goals are powerful, but adverse goals are even stronger
  • Why ‘smile or die’ can actually cause you less joy and make it more difficult to find peace
  • How to show up and hold space for pain and suffering
  • What was worth my while today

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Dr. Susan David, co-founder and co-director of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, teaches psychology at Harvard University and is the CEO of Evidence Based Psychology. As a speaker and consultant, Susan has worked with senior leadership at hundreds of organizations, including the United Nations, Ernst & Young, and the World Economic Forum. Her work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Time, Fast Company, and the Wall Street Journal, and she is the author of The Oxford Handbook of Happiness, the definitive text for researchers and practitioners interested in human happiness.

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • How Many Supplement is Too Much

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Direct download: 340_-_Emotional_Agility__Podcast_w_Susan_David_PhDd.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm CET