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This week, Lucas Rockwood and Dr. Thomas Campbell discuss food, nutrition and the health of our planet. Dr. Campbell is the co-author of, The China Study, an extremely influential and highly-debated book on food, nutrition, and plant-based diets specifically.

He is an instructor of clinical family medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. A board certified family physician, he has a primary care practice in Rochester, NY.


In addition, Dr. Campbell is the executive director and an educator at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, a nonprofit organization in Ithaca, NY, which promotes optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research in partnership with eCornell, Cornell University’s online course provider.

In this Show, You'll learn:

  • The benefits of plant-based nutrition, raw foods and living foods

  • The challenges of a wheat, soy, and starch-based approach to eating

  • The healing impact of a plant-based diet on the human body

  • The future of nutrition: how are we going to feed the world?

  • All about Dr. Campbell’s new book, The Campbell Plan”

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:45am CET