Wed, 10 May 2023
Do you have painful feet, bunions, hammertoes, or collapsed arches? If you’ve visited a podiatrist, you most likely ended up with some orthotic inserts and were sent on your way. Hopefully, those inserts worked! Most likely, they helped a little, but as the years have passed, your condition has progressively worsened. Is there anything you can do about it? On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a functional podiatrist who will help you understand your options. Listen and learn:
Links ABOUT OUR GUEST Dr. Emily Splichal is a functional podiatrist, human movement specialist, and a leading voice in barefoot science and rehabilitation. After originally training as a surgeon, she now focuses on functional and regenerative medicine. Like the Show?
Direct download: LRS_567_-_Fix_Your_Feet_with_Dr._Emily_Splichal.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am CET |