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Does Yoga Work for Weight Loss?
with Lucas Rockwood

Does yoga actually help with weight loss? Does it burn more calories than running or gym workouts? Summer is here, and I’ve been getting loads of weight loss questions. We’ve covered food and nutrition extensively, so this week we’ll deep dive into the mind-body effects of physical yoga practices for weight loss.

Listen & Learn: 

  • How yoga works: hormones, sustainability, community
  • Success stories 
  • What the published research shows
  • Best practices for you

Links & Resources

Lucas Rockwood is an internationally-renowned yoga teacher, trainer, TEDx speaker, corporate trainer, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur. YOGABODY & Yoga Teachers College Founder.

Nutritional Tip of the Week

  • Matcha Tea Weight Loss

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Direct download: LRS_465_-_Does_Yoga_Work_for_Weight_Loss_with_Lucas_Rockwood.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:59am CET

Self-Care for Pain & Injuries 

with Dr. Dan Ginader 
Have you ever gotten obsessed with a new diet or exercise routine? Enthusiasm is rare, so when you’re feeling it, you naturally want to go all in. But if your zero-to-hero journey is rushed, as it often is, you can end up with busted knees, a herniated disc, or plantar fasciitis.

My first two years as a yoga student, I was on-and-off injured constantly. I went to sports therapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists trying to find someone to fix me.

A good therapist can be life-changing, but at the end of the day, you and your body have to work together to heal. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a physical therapist who will help you rethink pain and injury.  

Listen & Learn 

  • How to incorporate your healing routine in your pre-existing exercise routine 
  • Why consistent follow through is crucial for results
  • To scan or not to scan (MRI?)
  • The leading cause of injury (and how to prevent it) 
  • How to determine whether your high risk sport is worth it or not

Dan Ginader is a physical therapist in Indianapolis. He’s a former Division 1 baseball player and he works with athletes as well as everyday people to manage pain and rehab from injuries. 

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

  • Chocolate Protein Powder

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Direct download: LRS_464_-_Self-Care_for_Pain__Injuries_with_Dr._Dan_Ginader.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:23am CET

Magnesium, a Love Story
with Dr. Carolyn Dean
Magnesium is a favorite among yoga students due to its crucial role in nervous system health and as a muscle relaxant. Magnesium is everywhere, but oddly, many people are still lacking in their daily diets. On this week’s podcast, we’ll unpack the myriad of health benefits magnesium provides.

Magnesium is a central atom in the chlorophyll molecule, an essential part of the process of photosynthesis.

Listen & Learn: 

  • How magnesium is present in every single cell in you4 body
  • How it’s crucial for both nervous system and muscle relaxant
  • How to eat, supplement or soak in it 

Links & Resources

Carolyn’s website

Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She’s the author of over 35 books including best seller The Magnesium Miracle along with IBS for Dummies, Hormone Balance, Death by Modern Medicine, and 110 Kindle books.

Nutritional Tip of the Week

  • What time to eat?

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Direct download: LRS_463_-_Magnesium_a_Love_Story_with_Dr._Carolyn_Dean.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:04pm CET

The Power of Dreams
with Charlie Morley


Did you know that you have four-to-six dream cycles per night totaling about two hours? If you’re like me, you almost never remember your dreams - and certainly not two hours worth.

But does it matter? Are they important?

Yes, dreaming is adaptive. Just as your body recovers while you sleep, your brain uses dream states to consolidate memory, learn from experiences, and process emotions. If we can all agree that it’s beneficial to be mindful during your waking states, it’s reasonable to assume that a mindful dream practice should serve us as well. On this week’s podcast, we’ll deep dive into the importance of dreaming.

Listen & Learn: 

  • Why nightmare’s are a good sign 
  • How sleep hacks have limited efficacy for real trauma
  • How pre-bed breathing can induce healthy sleep and dreams
  • Why dream’s meanings are individual but their benefits are universal

Links & Resources

Charlie Morley is an author and expert on Lucid Dreaming. He’s written a number of books including Lucid Dreaming Made Easy and Dream of Awakening among others.  

Nutritional Tip of the Week

  • Too Much Water?

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Direct download: LRS_462_-_The_Power_of_Dreams_with_Charlie_Morley.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:33am CET